Can I close all buffers by regex, for instance all buffers that hold open .js files?

Effectively what I want is

:bd *.js

But even with ! if more than one .js is open I get,

E93: More than one match for *.js

2 Answers 2


Your question is answered on a duplicate from one on StackOverflow:

Use <C-A> to expand the *.js on the command line.

This way :bd *.js will become :bd file1.js file2.js file42.js.

My loop-free answer (in case more control is required) was:

function! s:BDExt(ext)
  let buffers = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val) && bufname(v:val) =~ "\.'.a:ext.'$"')
  if empty(buffers) |throw "no *.".a:ext." buffer" | endif
  exe 'bd '.join(buffers, ' ')

command! -nargs=1 BDExt :call s:BDExt(<f-args>)

You could probably use a function to do this:

function! CloseByRegex(re)
    for b in range(1, bufnr('$'))
        if bufname(b) =~ re
            exec "bd" b

bufnr('$') is the number of the last buffer.

  • IIRC, range(bufnr('$')) will exclude the last buffer number, and it starts at 0, which is no valid buffer. Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 5:08

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