For my projects I generally open several tabs some of which might involve terminals or directory trees or quickfix (since ShellCheck sends its error messages there for instance).

When I want to use commands such as :wa or :bufdo %s/pattern/to/ce I either get annoying warning messages (ok, but not great) or the command fails because these buffers are unmodifiable (not ok).

Is there a way to make such buffers invisible to commands that target all buffers? I am imagining a flag I can set when creating these buffers or something I can do after creation?


1 Answer 1


Consider loading relevant buffers into the args, quickfix, or location list and using the related commands (:argdo, :cdo, etc.).

You could also set a buffer variable and do something like

:bufdo if get(b:, 'mydontskipvar', v:false) | … | endif
  • It's also possible that nobuflisted and buftype options might help
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented May 6, 2023 at 20:27
  • I decided to go along with tmux when ever I needed a split. I find it more clean. However I will accept this as the answer as there seems to be really no other way
    – Sina
    Commented May 19, 2023 at 13:50
  • @Sina are you saying you split tmux with vim to open a new file? I do sometimes have multiple vims in multiple tmux panes, but one-per-file would be a bit excessive to me
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented May 19, 2023 at 17:15
  • No not one per file, I use tmux when I want to have split workspaces where one work space is associated to say the header files and the other split is associated to source files. So I only have the relevant files in each work space and name completion etc works much more flawlessly and global buffer operations are faster. Of course once in a while I might need to open other files which do not exist in the workspace but still much better than having 30 files open in every window.
    – Sina
    Commented May 20, 2023 at 22:09

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