I like using the Bash shortcuts while at the command line to move around and edit text. A sample of some commands from the link can be seen below:
Ctrl + a Go to the beginning of the line (Home)
Ctrl + w Cut the Word before the cursor to the clipboard.
Ctrl + e Go to the End of the line (End)
Ctrl + p Previous command (Up arrow)
Ctrl + n Next command (Down arrow)
Alt + b Back (left) one word
Alt + f Forward (right) one word
Ctrl + f Forward one character
Ctrl + b Backward one character
Alt + d Delete the Word after the cursor.
Ctrl + d Delete character under the cursor
Ctrl + y Paste the last thing to be cut (yank)
It seems like some of these work while in Insert mode; for example Ctrl + w
or Ctrl + u
. However some don't; for example Ctrl + y
- How do I enable Bash shortcuts while in insert mode?
I'm running macOS:
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.12.1
BuildVersion: 16B2657
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Feb 16 2017 06:36:51)
MacOS X (unix) version
Included patches: 1-329
Compiled by Homebrew
set -o vi
in the shell, so the shell uses the Vi bindings (readline has Vi bindings too). If you really, really, really want them you should just:map
) them (<c-a>
, ...).