In Vim while in the INSERT mode, I would like to be able to move between lines using the left and right arrow keys. For example, if the cursor is at the beginning of a line and I press the left arrow key, I would like the cursor to move to the last character of the previous line.
This is trivial to set up for the NORMAL mode (set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
in .vimrc
), but how do I make it work also in the INSERT mode?
Similarly, it would be nice if also Ctrl
and Ctrl
(to move between words) worked the same way (e.g., Ctrl
would move the cursor from the beginning of the first word on a given line to the beginning of the last word on the previous line).
:help 'whichwrap'
also affects insert mode so you have nothing to do, Vim already behaves the way you want.,[,]
(–>set whichwrap+=<,>,[,],h,l
) does the trick.