Very often, I write markdown in VIM, and there will be paragraphs in those markdown. To help my editing, I setup my Vim to wrap a line on 80 chars. It works nice if I just keep typing, but the problem is if I need to do some correction, it becomes very annoying.
demo(taken from wikipedia first order logic):
The adjective "first-order" distinguishes first-order logic from higher-order logic
in which there are predicates having predicates or functions as arguments. In first-order
theories, predicates are often associated with sets. In interpreted higher-order
theories, predicates may be interpreted as sets of sets.
So far so good. But when I revise the article, I might decide to add something in the middle, say:
The adjective "first-order" distinguishes first-order logic from higher-order logic
in which there are predicates having predicates or functions as arguments,
or in which one or both of predicate quantifiers or function quantifiers are permitted.
In first-order theories, predicates are often associated with sets. In interpreted higher-order
theories, predicates may be interpreted as sets of sets.
notice line 3 is the one I want to wrap. If I do it in VIM, I will need to manually join the lines and rewrap the whole paragraph.
Anyone got idea how to make VIM do it automatically?