How can I set up a keybinding to delete up to the end of a sentence that ends with a period, but keep the period?

The commands df., d), and D all truncate the sentence but don't keep the period. Manually, I can type d/\.<ENTER>:noh<ENTER>.

For example: I have this sentence and the cursor is at the position marked by the caret:

Scholar X's monograph is a groundbreaking study but I don't like it.

I want to type one command (say, Ds) and get this:

Scholar X's monograph is a groundbreaking study.

5 Answers 5


With no extra configuration involved, I would just use:


Bonus: It's repeatable with the dot command.

Also bonus: It works on any POSIX vi and is not Vim-specific.

And actually, I would use <C-[> (or "Ctrl+[" if you speak Windows) rather than actually pressing the "Escape" key.

  • 2
    Nice try, but this fails if the document doesn’t begin each sentence on a new line; e.g., Scholar X’s monograph is a groundbreaking study.  I like it.” (all on one line). Your command will delete the spaces before “I like it.” Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 16:18
  • I start every sentence on a new line, so this does work for me. Commented Feb 4, 2017 at 4:38

t and f are nice when we are on the same line. If the period is on another line, we're back to /\.. If you want to type ds, or cs, or ys, ... it can be done thanks to an operator-pending mode mapping:

:onoremap s /\./<cr>
" and for visual mode, with e-1 to exclude the period.
:vnoremap s /\./e-1<cr>

But honestly, I'll bind this to . instead of s as s already does something in visual mode.


You had the right idea with df.. Of course, f goes up to the period like you noticed. If you use t (mnemonic until) instead, it will go forward until the period, but not to it. From :h t

t{char}         Till before [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the
            right.  The cursor is placed on the character left of
            {char} |inclusive|.
            {char} can be entered like with the |f| command.

So if your buffer is like this:

Scholar X's monograph is a groundbreaking study but I don't like it.

and you type t., you will be here:

Scholar X's monograph is a groundbreaking study but I don't like it.

The f and t commands mirror eachother very nicely. In fact they're pretty much identical other than f moving one further.

  • They can both be repeated with ; and ,

  • They both have uppercase variants that move backwards instead of forwards

  • I accepted this before realizing it doesn't work if the sentence ends on another line. Is that possible with these commands? Commented Jan 27, 2017 at 19:12
  • 1
    I personally think of the mnemonic for t as up to
    – Paul Evans
    Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 5:20

In your case I would do the following:

||||||+ mark a
|||||+  line position
||||+   delete
|||+    go to end of last word
||+     start of next sentence
|+      mark a
+       set a mark

Although not one command as you ask, this does if you're used to using marks roll off the fingers with reasonable ease.

  • 1
    This fails if the last character before the period is also a punctuation character; e.g., I have a fox named "Edward".  He jumped over a dog (which was lazy). Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 16:21

After reviewing the other answers I thought of this:

map ds v)2hx

Enter visual mode, go to the end of the sentence (even if on subsequent line), back up two characters to exclude the period, and delete.

  • 1
    This doesn’t work for me. (1) I can’t get h to move back up to a previous line. (2) Have you considered the case where the document doesn’t begin each sentence on a new line? My version of vim doesn’t recognize (period)(space) as the end of a sentence; it has to be (period)(space)(space). In that case, the 2h just backs up over the two spaces, and the period still gets deleted. Changing 2h to 3h would be a quick fix, but that would fail if there were ever more than two spaces after the period. Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 16:20

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