I am quite new to Neovim, just installed some of the important plugins and now I wanted to make it really good for writing Markdown files. I installed vim-markdown for that, and followed the documentation in the Git repo.
Even-though I followed the explanations, I wasn't able to make the concealing work. I am doing a lua configuration. I installed the plugin using packer and created a vim-markdown.lua file in a .config/nvim/after directory, where I put my plugin's configuration and keymaps.
I just wrote in there what the README in the GIT repo says. The vim-markdown.lua looks like this:
vim.g.vim_markdown_folding_level = 1
vim.g.vim_markdown_toc_autofit = 1
vim.g.vim_markdown_conceal = 1
While installing some other plugin, I came up with this information:
To clarify:
- The markdown plugin is the preservim/vim-markdown
- The font on my terminal is the Monospace
- The colorscheme I have in neovim is the tokyonight, dark version.
- I am using Terminator as my terminal
Shouldn't this work? Once I open a Markdown file, there is no conceal to be seen...
I appreciate all the feedback. Thank you!
let g:vim_markdown_folding_level=1