I wish to fully conceal markdown links, even if they have extensions. For example:
[Anchor text](http://whatever...)
[Anchor text](http://whatever...){:rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"}
Should become:
Anchor text
I can conceal the ()
and its content, and the {}
and its content. However, I can't hide the characters []
Moreover, concealing all this long text sometimes generates a ghost line below, because it's really there, concealed! Is there a way to hide the gost newline?
This is my code:
autocmd Filetype markdown,liquid,text
\ syn region markdownLink matchgroup=markdownLinkDelimiter
\ start="(" end=")" keepend contained conceal contains=markdownUrl
autocmd Filetype markdown,liquid,text
\ syn match markdownExt /{[.:#][^}]*}/ conceal contains=ALL
My result is:
[Anchor text]