Sorry if this is a noob question(I'm new to configuring vim) but I was wondering if it is possible to disable startup scripts manually during a Vim session. I am aware of the :scriptnames command which lists all the scripts/plugins that vim sources. I was wondering if it would be possible to, from this list, disable scripts and see how they change the behavior.

I am using the vimtex plugin for editing LaTeX files and am facing a bit of lag when I'm typing. I would like to disable some scripts that I feel are unnecessary to see if it improves performance. What would you recommend doing when you face performance issues ?

  • Spelling "tek" is a major crime. As Knuth originally pointed out, "TeX" is supposed to be said as in Greek language.
    – Matt
    Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 7:48
  • 2
    @Matt crime is major hyperbole; perhaps « gaffe » or similar? Let’s assume best intentions here.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 12:02

1 Answer 1


You have a few options, though some depend on plugin-authors to follow best-practices.

  • vim --noplugin is kind of a nuclear option. You can combine with -Nu NONE or other -u options to get varying levels of "just my config" (though, if you put config files in ~/.vim/plugin/ like me, this will disable those too)
  • let g:loaded_<plugin> = 1: most plugin scripts (though not all pieces of all plugins) have an include guard that stops them from executing if a special variable is already set. Have a look at the first 5 lines of code of any file you want to disable to see if you can do this. (I do it to disable certain vim-distributed plugins in my vimrc, which is generally the best place to add this; you could also do it via --cmd).
  • Delete (or move) the offending file so it can't be found by vim—this will likely break things quickly, but it will cause the scripts not to get executed

Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to do this mid-session. In almost all cases, you need to do some work on vim-startup to avoid loading a file—plugin files are sourced on startup. Autoloaded files and many other things (e.g., colorscheme files, compiler files, ftplugin files) are sourced on-demand; some of them, you can move at any time to temporarily disable them. Others, like autoload, you can only "move-to-disable" if you haven't yet triggered a function from that file.

If you really want to muck about with files like this, I recommend giving :help startup a good long read.

In some cases, :debug can be a better fit for tracking down a bug.

In many cases, :help profile can help you find out where performance issues are.

  • Wow ! I had completely forgotten about this. Apologies for the incredibly delayed repsonse. I've found using :profile to be really helpful. Thanks.
    – First User
    Commented Dec 7, 2020 at 7:02

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