I have an R file of results, such as below:
filename run1 run2 run3
file1.py 109 103 100
file2.py 14123 14323 14333
filen.py 2007 2130 2001
What is the easiest way to use VIM for adding decimal mark three places (from back, div 1000) to each number in each line?
Something like
filename run1 run2 run3
file1.py 0.109 0.103 0.100
file2.py 14.123 14.323 14.333
filen.py 2.007 2.130 2.001
As @BLayer commented: Updated the example to make it more clear. For example numbers 1 and 10 should remain the same but three digit numbers like 100 should become 0.100.