So, I have the following line where I would like to find all the {#}= and put them on a new line. Of course there can be more then 9 value entries and there is more text on the line, so I am thinking of looking for something like comma, space, one or more digits, and finally the equal sign, then add a line feed between the comma and the space.

The question is: how do I do that in vi across multiple lines?

  sion] ],{1=ValueEntry, 2=ValueEntry, 3=ValueEntry, 4=ValueEntry, 5=ValueEntry, 6=ValueEntry, 7=ValueEntry, 8=ValueEntry}]

  sion] ],{1=ValueEntry, 
  • \r adds a new line in a replacement. %s/\v(,\s)(\d\=)/\1\r\2/g will add the new line after the comma and the space
    – Steve
    Commented Nov 26, 2019 at 22:01
  • I think @Steve solution is the way to go, but if your filetype is supported by the plugin github.com/AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim could be useful too
    – statox
    Commented Nov 27, 2019 at 10:01

1 Answer 1


You can add a line break by using the atom \r in the replacement part of the :s command (while in the pattern part, you would need to use \n to match a line break).

That allows to split your string using the following command:

:s/,\ze \d\+=/&\r/g

That is search for a comma (and end the match there), followed by a space, at least one number and a = and replace the comma in this case with itself (using the special atom & which corresponds to the complete match) followed by a line break (\r).

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