I have recently managed to install and configure vim-latex and started using it. I used to use TexStudio for writing my file and in it I used to have several setting that were tailored for my workflow:
- I had a key combination (Shift+F1) that automatically inserted the inline equation
and moved the cursor between the dolar signs. Is there a way to do the same in vim-latex? Maybe add an extra Alt Key Macro such that when I type $ then press<Alt+L>
it will insert and do what I want. - I had a similar shortcut to inser the english quotes in the text (I like them because they look better). So when I press Shift+F2 it will insert ``|''. Can I do the same thing with vim-latex?
- This one is a bit weird: I like to have every phrase in a different row in my latex document. So I have TexStudio to automatically insert a space and after I inserted a full stop.
- Another one setting was to automatically insert curly brackets when in math mode for subscript and superscript and move the cursor inside the curly brackets.
- Is vim-latex able to recognize the \newcommand definitions in the document preamble? I usually have several defined and they don't seem to work.
Are these things possible with vim-latex?
:h abbreviations
) or snippets (see this question). Your point 4 could be a question on its own: how to automatically add braces I think we have a question about that on this site and there are plugins which do that. The last one is a question about the plugin you could ask a question on here or directly on their issue tracker.:help latex-suite.txt
)? If I remember correctly, it should answer most of your questions.let g:Tex_AdvancedMath = 1
set in the .vimrc (I placed it there because I didn't know where. In the documentation, it says to place it in$VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim
but that does not exist... Also the documentation is even more unclear because it says: "Latex-Suite utilizes a set of macros originally created by Carl Mueller in auctex.vim". But that file doesn't exist either... So here I am asking how to do this.