I am a long time user of latex and I have been searching for a good editor to use it with. I have been using TexStudio but recently I feel I need the no distractions feel of using vim. So I stumbled upon vim-latex and here is where my problems started.
I went on their site and followed the instructions but I don't think they are complete or clear enough. I copied everything as per instructions but I can't make it work. Then there is the problem of usage. How does one use vim-latex? Is there a command, a key press?
Is vim-latex the best option for using latex in vim? Or should I look elsewhere?
Edit: The details
1) Downloaded the archive from here
2) Unpacked the archive and ended up with a dir called vim-latex-1.10.0
which I then copied to my .vim
3) Then I went and did the changes in the .vimrc
file, but I had to stop at the tex.vim
because it wasn't where the instructions said it was supposed to be.
4) I started vim regardless and issued the helptags ~/.vim/doc
command which didn't work. The output was E150: Not a directory: ~/.vim/doc
5) Regarding compilation: I know about reading the manuals and I usually do, but this particular one is not very clear at least to a noob like me when it comes to vim. Here is what it says at
Setting Compilation rules:
"In order to compile LaTeX files into various formats, Latex-Suite needs to know which external programs to call and in which way they need to be called. This information is provided to Latex-Suite via a number of "rules". For each format you want to compile to, you need to specify a rule. A rule is specified by defining a variable of the form:"
Where do you put these rules?
Now what should I do?