I want to map the tab key to <c-w>w to switch windows when there is more than one window open. But if there is only one window but multiple tabs, I want it to detect that there is only one window and to switch tabs instead by mapping to gt. Note both commands are in the same mode.

Is this possible? I am asking this one key to map to two different choices and the key only performs the second choice when the first one fails.

1 Answer 1


You can do it using an expression-mapping like this:

nnoremap <expr><silent> <tab> winnr('$')>1 ? "\<c-w>w" : 'gt'

this makes the mapping basically check, if there are several windows open (winnr('$') is greater than 1) and in that case returns CTRLW else, it returns gt

Note: the double quotation marks are necessary, to make Vim correctly parse the key code <c-w>.

In case there exists only one tabpage, you need to add 2 checks, something like this:

nnoremap <expr><silent> <tab> winnr('$')>1 ? "\<c-w>w" : (tabpagenr('$')>1 ? 'gt' : ":bn\<cr>")

  • Wow! I tried the exercise and decide to switch buffers if windows and tabs are 1. Could you tell me why this doesn't work? nnoremap <expr><silent> <tab> winnr('$')>1 ? "\<c-w>w" : tabpagewinnr('$')>1 ? 'gt' : ":bn\<enter>". If there are buffers and tabs, it defaults to buffers not tabs.
    – domoremath
    Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 13:38
  • because the ?: expression syntax does not expect several ? Check :h expr1. Will update my answer Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 18:29

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