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Ari Sweedler's user avatar
Ari Sweedler's user avatar
Ari Sweedler
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
4 votes

How do I find commands that're available in insert mode?

4 votes

How to pre-process command line arguments provided to vim?

3 votes

Vim: Append to each line in a "[I" query

3 votes

Splits on different monitors

2 votes

What's going on with displaying tabs as 4 vs 8 in Vim vs other display clients (like a web server and firefox for example)

2 votes

Turn tree-sitter queries into folding

2 votes

How would I make this into a keybinding?

2 votes

How to "dereference" variables in keymappings?

1 vote

Characters from YCM completion menu not cleared in Vim

1 vote

File encoding other than utf-8

1 vote

Advice on the use of :exe "norm!" vs. built in functions when writing vimscipt and plugins

0 votes

VIM mouse scrolling on Konsole show ^[OA at the top and ^[OB at the bottom of the page

0 votes

How can I view a diff for a single file from a diff file with multiple files?

0 votes

How can I chain together regular expression substitutions