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Questions tagged [margin]

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How to set column when vim starts to scroll right when having a long line ("right margin")?

I have a long text line in vim. Vim can display n columns before there is no space left to the right, and you have to scroll right to see the rest of the line. When I go column by column to the right ...
fl_'s user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Can I change the ugly indicator after EOL (~)

A tilde appears on the terminal if the file contain less lines than the screen currently displays. I was wondering if it is possible to remove them or replace them with something more beautiful (maybe ...
Spyros Mourelatos's user avatar
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Truncate line numbers when they are too large

So I'm using Vim's line numbering with set number set numberwidth=4 But I find that if line numbers exceed 999, then the gutter is automatically expanded to accommodate them. I actually don't want ...
Matt Phillips's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Good vimrc settings for commit messages?

Having vim setup for development gives some undesirable effects for editing commit messages (margin not 72, auto-indent typically isn't needed, probably literal tab characters aren't desired, maybe ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I add a visual margin on the right of my window?

Here is my document; the entire text is on a single line: However, I would like it to be not so wide; for example by using set textwidth=40 and gq I get my desired results: The problem with this is ...
Martin Tournoij's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to adjust the Vim screen padding margin, or Konsole's?

I'd like to write and edit files and add a padding, or frame the text with margin of blank space between the text and the terminal window's edge. I don't know if that's the correct terminology, but I ...
user12711's user avatar
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