When I used vim for programming I used cntrl+n/cntrl+p a lot for keyword completion. I switched from programming to reporting with vim and now I have some new needs, one of which is amazing LaTeX support (huzzah vim has this).

Now I would like to keep using completion of cntrl+n and cntrl+p but past semi-colons. As I create sections and chapters with labels so I can make references to these. But a chapter label is c:name and a section is s:name where a subsection is ss:name. If I could do c: to get the previous chapter that would be great.

Does stock Vim offer this, or should I create a plug-in for this?

  • If the chapter, section etc. labels are in the same file, or in any other open buffers, you can still use Ctrl-n/Ctrl-p if you add : to the keyword characters: :set iskeyword+=:. Meaning just that, if you wrote c:blah somewhere, c: Ctrl-n will autocomplete that later on.
    – VanLaser
    Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 12:49
  • vimtex offers this through an omni-complete function, see :h 'omnifunc' (and similar help pages). As do other LaTeX plugins for Vim, such as LaTeX-Box. Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 15:32
  • @VanLaser Perfect! Post it as an answer so I can accept it :)
    – Stolas
    Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 18:46
  • ... and - done! I also recommend the vimtex plugin BTW.
    – VanLaser
    Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 21:56

1 Answer 1


If the chapter, section etc. labels are in the same file, or in any other open buffers, you can still use Ctrl-n/Ctrl-p. You just have to add : to the keyword characters, with:

:set iskeyword+=:

This enables (no more than) the following: if you write c:blah somewhere, c: followed by Ctrl-p (or Ctrl-n) is able to later offer it for autocompletion.

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