I load a plugin, and the plug docs tell me that I can configure it using lua code like this, which I might put in my startup file:
lua require('plugin_name').setup{
\ foo = true,
\ bar = { x = y },
\ baz = { z = { 'a', 'b' },
Suppose I want to see what these values are while nvim is running. I know that I can use
:lua print(...)
to display variables, and I think I might even need :lua print(vim.inspect(...))
. Answers to this question and this question would help me if I knew what variable I was trying do inspect.
My question is: Given what I know from the plugin documentation (as shown in the code block above), what substitute for ...
? What are the names of the lua variables and tables that are implied by the above setup code?
is usually a function it could be anything. Your best bet is probably to open whatever file defines the setup function and glance at it.