I know that if you press n you can hop to the next occurrence of a matching pattern, and that if you want to go to the previous match, you press N.

But if my cursor is already in the middle of a match, how do I tell what number match that is from the top of the document?

  • The answers to this StackOverflow question tend to show the number of the current match as well as the total number of matches. My solution displays (3/5) in the statusbar, although it counts matching lines, not matches. Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 21:38

3 Answers 3


You can use the n flag with the substitution command.


Or use the current search pattern via :%s///gn.

You can also use :vimgrep and the quickfix list. Search for your pattern via:

:vimgrep/set/ %

This searches the current file, %, and adds the matches to the quickfix list. Then you can move through the quickfix list via :cnext or :cprevious. Upon moving through the quickfix list text will display at the bottom showing something like this (4 of 10). By using the :copen command a window showing the quickfix results will open. Move to the pattern via pressing <cr> on a quickfix item.

However I prefer to use a plugin for this. vim-indexed-search gives you a message in the command line such as:

2 of 32 matches

This will tell what number match that is from the top of the document.

  • 2
    There's a caveat with :vimgrep/set/ %, that you have to already have the file saved, but it works great! Thanks!
    – leeand00
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 12:01

You can do this with one command :


Decomposing :

:1,.s/      " start a substitute command from top of the document to current line
<C-r><C-w>  " paste the content of the word under the cursor
//          " replace with noting
gn          " don't actually replace

And in normal mode you can create a mapping for better use :

nnoremap <leader>n :1,.s/<C-r><C-w>//gn<CR>

See :h c_<C-R>_<C-W> for further references.

Edit If you want to rely on your previously entered search pattern, you can replace <C-R><C-W> by <C-R>/. As the / register is the search register, it contains the last search pattern.


This should just be a comment but as I don't have the reputation to comment here goes.

This won't be accurate for multi occurrences on the one line but


To discombobulate

`yiw` will select the yank the word under the cursor  to register `"` .

`:1,.` does something from line 1 to the current line in command mode 

`<C-R>"` means Ctrl-r" which pastes the contents of register " to the command line

`s/<C-R>"//gn` searches for the value in `"` or `yes` and replaces nothing but counts matches. 

eg for the following with the cursor on a yes in line 5 the above will say 10 matches on 5 lines

1    yes no yes
2    yes no yes
3    yes no yes
4    yes no yes
5    yes no yes
6    yes no yes
7    yes no yes
  • 2
    viwy -> yiw (visual detour unnecessary)
    – VanLaser
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 2:45
  • 1
    Yeah my bad what I was doing wasn't working so I did it the roundabout way . I'll update
    – Steve
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 2:56
  • 1
    You don't even need to yiw. You can instead put <cword> in the substitute command and it will be replaced with the current word under the cursor on execution. :help <cword> for more details and other such keywords.
    – tokoyami
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 11:56
  • <cword> was something I learned form this thread and bery useful it was to :)
    – Steve
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 23:20

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