\a is equivalent to [A-Za-z] so it matches only non-accented letters.

I know of [=name-of-equivalence-class=], so I can clearly use something like \(\a\|[[=a=][=e=][=i=][=o=][=u=]]\), but I was wondering whether there was a more fundamental solution, such as an option to automatically match every element of the equivalance class for each character in the pattern.

The reason why I would have expected a less hand-crafted solution is that other options doing something similar exist, such as \c/\C and \Z.

I haven't found anything in :help pattern.

  • 3
    The trouble is that not all accented characters are composites. à is U+00e0 but is U+0061 + U+0300: [=a=] and \Za match the latter but not the former. Handling both scenarios would mean doing what [=…=] and \Z do, plus matching against all the single character variants of those pairs.
    – romainl
    Commented Jun 4, 2023 at 7:07

1 Answer 1


I've discovered the \k character class, which matches anything that is in 'iskeyword', which can in turn be set iskeyword=@, where the meaning of @ is explained at isfname:

If the character is '@', all characters where isalpha() returns TRUE are included. Normally these are the characters a to z and A to Z, plus accented characters.

Which is precisely what I need.

So one way to accomplish the task is to use \k instead of \a and set iskeyword=@ when the behavior described in the question is needed, e.g. when entering search mode.

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