Suppose I wrote this command:

command! -nargs=1 E echo ' -> <args>'

and when user feeds an argument,

:E abc

I intend to see the following effect as they hit Enter:

:E abc -> abc

Of course that's not happening, since vim flushes :E abc when printing -> abc, leaving the command-line showing:

 -> abc

Is there an option to retain the command typed by user in the command-line, before finishing execution? Or are there alternative ways to achieve the same effect?

  • 1
    See :help c_CTRL-\_e.
    – romainl
    Commented Dec 26, 2022 at 7:51
  • 1
    Since you're defining the command yourself, you can simply prepend "E <args>" to " -> <args>", can't you?
    – 3N4N
    Commented Dec 26, 2022 at 10:36
  • @3N4N could solve this problem to some extent, but what I really want is to retain the command as exactly typed by the user, where basically every white space matters.
    – Futarimiti
    Commented Dec 26, 2022 at 16:26

1 Answer 1


Came up with a solution with functionality of command E being moved entirely to another function F to be called inside command-line expression prompt, thanks to romainl's hint:

command! -nargs=1 E

cnoremap <CR> <C-\>eF()<CR><CR>

" call me only in c_<C-\>e mode
function! F()
    let cmd = ':' .. getcmdline()
    let parse = v:lua.vim.api.nvim_parse_cmd(cmd, {})
    let cmdname = parse.cmd
    if cmdname ==# 'E' && len(parse.args) > 0
        let arg = parse.args[0]
        return 'echo ''' .. cmd .. ' -> ' .. arg .. ''''
        return cmd

While this solution parses command string utilising nvim API, vim users may need to come up with some other ways to parse command; I cannot think of any builtin functions with the same effect.

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