I am trying to manage multiple projects each with multiple files so:
file1.cpp, ..., file10.cpp
incl1.h, ..., incl10.h
file1.cpp, ..., file10.cpp
incl1.h, ..., incl10.h
I would like to save bookmark information for a project locally as a file under each projectx (x=1 or 2) folder itself as opposed to saving it globally under $home/.vim/
Is there any way one can have project specific bookmarks saved locally (in the project folder itself) that is also portable across machines accessing the same folder (i.e., the paths saved necessarily have to be relative and not absolute.)?
I tried to setup .viminfo thus via the .vimrc based on a suggestion here:
set viminfo=%,<800,'100,/50,:100,f1,n./.viminfo
This saves the viminfo file in the projectx folder. However, this .viminfo file also stores the path to marks using absolute path and not relative paths as a result of which, it is not portable.