I have the following mapping:

cnoremap <silent> <CR> <CR>:echo 'Enter pressed'<CR>

This works as expected; the :echo command runs every time I press <CR> in the command line. This is done when entering the commandline with :, /, ?, <C-r>= (in insert), etc.

Is there any way to get the :echo command to run only if I enter the commandline with /?

1 Answer 1


Here is a mapping from my vimrc where I check if the command type is either forward search OR backward search:

cnoremap <expr> <Tab> getcmdtype() == "/" \|\| getcmdtype() == "?" ? "<CR>/<C-r>/" : "<C-z>"

See :help getcmdtype().

For more granularity, you could use getcmdline() like I did in the function below. The value of getcmdline() is checked against a bunch of patterns to decide what to return instead of <CR>:

function! Shortcut()
    let cmdline = getcmdline()
    if cmdline =~ '\C^ls'
        return "\<CR>:b"
    elseif cmdline =~ '/#$'
        return "\<CR>:"
    elseif cmdline =~ '\v\C^(dli|il)'
        return "\<CR>:" . cmdline[0] . "jump  " . split(cmdline, " ")[1] . "\<S-Left>\<Left>"
    elseif cmdline =~ '\v\C^(cli|lli)'
        return "\<CR>:silent " . repeat(cmdline[0], 2) . "\<Space>"
    elseif cmdline =~ '\C^old'
        return "\<CR>:edit #<"
        return "\<CR>"

cnoremap <expr> <CR> Shortcut()

See :help getcmdline().


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