In some trial-and-error testing using the following two statements:

iabbrev <buffer> return NONONON
autocmd FileType python :iabbrev <buffer> return YESYESYES

It looks like regardless of specificity, the vimrc will always use the first item encountered. That is, when I open a python file and type in return, it will give me NONONON. is this a correct understanding? Are there ever any times when a later or more specific item is used, or is it always the first-encountered value used for all commands and such? Where could I find more information on the 'order of how variables are set in the vimrc and such' ?

1 Answer 1


Don't directly define buffer restricted mappings, abbreviations, commands, variables... in the .vimrc. They'll only apply to the first buffer: the one which is active when the .vimrc is loaded.

Filetype/syntax related events are triggered after the startup routine described in :h startup

  • thanks -- when would someone want to use the <buffer> restriction then? I've been following along to Vimscript the hard way and almost all mapping examples use that.
    – David542
    Commented Jun 11, 2020 at 23:16
  • In ftplugins, or in local vimrc. I'd recommend to avoid using autocommands for defining ft-specific things: they don't scale well IMO, prefer ftplugins instead. Commented Jun 11, 2020 at 23:22
  • thank you. Is the second command I've listed in my question an example of an ftplugin or does it literally have to be a file in that folder?
    – David542
    Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 4:15
  • ftplugins are files. Vim already has FileType autocommands that automatically load these files. Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 9:41

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