I'm attempting to create a portable Neovim configuration for Windows. I'm a bit confused about all the directories. Maybe someone can shed a little light on me :)
So I downloaded a pre-built archive from https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases and extracted it.
I found that nvim will use c:\users\myname\AppDataLocal\nvim-data
and c:\users\myname\AppData\Local\nvim\
for stdpath('data')
and stdpath('config')
by default.
But the archive contains folders like e:\Neovim\share\nvim\runtime\colors\
. I can put color schemes there and into c:\users\myname\AppData\Local\nvim\colors\
and even e:\Neovim\share\nvim-qt\runtime\colors
. All three will work.
Same for plugins and probably more. So it looks like Neovim is checking all these directories for files it needs. Which would help me with my plans to put a fully functional configuration on my USB thumbdrive.
Having c:\users\myname\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim
isn't very portable.
I tried to put my init.vim
into e:\Neovim\share\nvim\runtime\
and e:\Neovim\share\nvim-qt\runtime\
without success although it follows the same logic as the color folder.
So I figured I can load a custom configuration using the -u
Starting F:\Neovim\bin\nvim-qt.exe -- -u ..\init.vim
with F:\Neovim\init.vim
is working as expected.
Is there a better/correct way?
Where should I put my init.vim so I don't need the -u option
:help runtimepath
and the various things it links to, and then try:set runtimepath?
to see the available directories