What is the appropriate way to make a pattern that matches up until the point where the move command e would have moved to?

Consider this text: texttext%0s: cookie after performing /%<CR>ve the part %0s would be selected, this is the part I want to replace with something else.

I tried :s/%.\{-}\> which seems to match the right thing (as little as possible until end of word) but I'm not sure if it's 100% correct and how to interpret the manual:

:help \>

\>      Matches the end of a word: The previous char is the last char of a
        word.  The 'iskeyword' option specifies what is a word character.

:help e

e                       Forward to the end of word [count] inclusive.
                        Does not stop in an empty line.

Is the only difference that e moves past newlines?

1 Answer 1


Yes, it is equivalent, except as you say it doesn't span lines.

First the \> matches a "end of a word" ( as defined by iskeyword). So it matches something that you could reach with the e command.

The important part is the .\{-}. With it the the expression .\{-}\> becomes "match from here to the next "end of word" in the same line. This is the same as e.

In contrast .*\> means "match from here to the last end of word in the current line".

The . does not match line breaks, but \_. does. So %\_.\{-}\> would match

  • Question title updated. One difference is that e reaches past line ends, which the pattern by default does not do (since . doesn't match newline).
    – Moberg
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 22:04
  • @Moberg That with the title and text was nice chance for a joke. Should have put a smiley. You are right about end of line, will update.
    – Ralf
    Commented May 12, 2020 at 3:46

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