I am implementing a smooth scrolling function for <C-u> and <C-d>, which just sleeps for a few milliseconds and then moves the screen up (<C-y>) or down (<C-e>) one line:

function SmoothScroll(up)
    if a:up
        let scrollaction= "\<C-y>"
        let scrollaction="\<C-e>"
    let s=&scroll " total lines to scroll
    let x=0   " counts from 0 to s
    let T=10 " maximum sleep ms for smoothing
    let a=3 " smoothing amount
    let p=2 " must be at least 2
    let m=s/p " number of lines for which is being smoothed
    while x < s
      let time=T*((x-m)*(x-s+m)*(x+m/a)*(x-s-m/a))/(m*(s-m)*(-m/a)*(s+m/a))
      if time > 0
        exec "sleep ".time."m"
      let x+=1
      exec "normal " . scrollaction
nnoremap <C-U> :call SmoothScroll(1)<Enter>
nnoremap <C-D> :call SmoothScroll(0)<Enter>
inoremap <C-U> <Esc>:call SmoothScroll(1)<Enter>i
inoremap <C-D> <Esc>:call SmoothScroll(0)<Enter>i

The function for time is visualized here: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/of6hhoo1p3

The problem now is that <C-y> and <C-e> move the cursor when the cursor comes closer to the screen edge than scrolloff lines. So when you repeatedly <C-y>, the cursor ends up at least scrolloff lines above the bottom of the screen. And when you repeatedly <C-e> the cursor ends up at least scrolloff lines below the top of the screen. However when I use <C-u> and <C-d> I would like the cursor to stay where it is on the screen.

Is there maybe a way to move both cursor and screen at the same time? I do not want to call both <C-y> and k for example, because if my scrolloff variable was greater than half the lines on my screen (to always keep the cursor centered, which I occasionally want to use), then <C-u> would scroll twice as far.

2 Answers 2


Not an answer to your question. But thought I'd mention that this exists: https://github.com/terryma/vim-smooth-scroll

  • 1
    thanks for sharing, I found a script for this online earlier, but it didn't work perfectly so I modified it. But this one seems to work find, I will use that!
    – simulate
    Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 18:13
  • In fact, I like my version better! It actually does make a difference that the scroll starts slower, because then it is easier for your eyes to catch on to the quick movement. It is easier to follow where you are in the document. Maybe I will see to make a pull request to our fellow terryma.
    – simulate
    Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 23:58

I have now just checked manually whether the cursor is at the border of scrolloff, i.e. if it would be scrolled by <C-y> for example or not, and if not, then I move it manually at each iteration with j or k:

function SmoothScroll(up)
  let cursormov=""
  if a:up
    let scrollaction= "normal \<C-y>"
    " now also check how far the cursor is away
    " from the border, including scrolloff
    let offdist = abs((line("w$") - &scrolloff) - line("."))
    if offdist > 0 || line("w0") < &scroll
      let cursormov="normal k"
    let scrollaction="normal \<C-e>"
    let offdist = abs(line(".") - (line("w0") + &scrolloff))
    if offdist > 0
      let cursormov="normal j"
  let s=&scroll " total lines to scroll
  let x=0   " counts from 0 to s
  let T=2 " maximum sleep ms for smoothing
  let a=2 " smoothing amount
  let p=2 " must be at least 2
  let m=s/p " number of lines for which is being smoothed
  while x < s
    let time=T*((x-m)*(x-s+m)*(x+m/a)*(x-s-m/a))/(m*(s-m)*(-m/a)*(s+m/a))
    if time > 0
      exec "sleep ".time."m"
    let x+=1
    exec scrollaction
    exec cursormov
nnoremap <C-U> :call SmoothScroll(1)<Enter>
nnoremap <C-D> :call SmoothScroll(0)<Enter>
inoremap <C-U> <Esc>:call SmoothScroll(1)<Enter>i
inoremap <C-D> <Esc>:call SmoothScroll(0)<Enter>i

There may be a more efficient solution though. But this way the cursor also stays in place while smoothly scrolling.

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