First I will describe what I am trying to achieve:

In general I use set iskeyword+=- as I see this more usable (one should always put spaces around operators when needed). This is quite helpful, but has one significant disadvantage - it also causes i_^w to behave not as expected. So I am trying to write function that would reset 'iskeyword' to default value, modify it a little and then fire the same functionality as i_^w, however I cannot find how to handle "deletion" part.

My attempt

func! smart#delete_word() abort
    let l:iskeyword = &iskeyword

        set iskeyword&vim
        set iskeyword-=_

        if col('.') == col('$') - 1
            normal! dvb
            normal! db
        let &iskeyword = l:iskeyword

However db/dvb trick isn't always working as expected and sometimes there are some leftovers at the end of the line or some additional characters are deleted.

So question is, how to achieve the same behaviour as i_^w in function (worth mentioning that i_^w itself will be remapped to this function, so it wouldn't be a solution to just feedkeys("\<C-w>").

  • One trick would be to use norm! i^w where you insert ^w with <c-v><c-w>
    – statox
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 11:29
  • @statox unfortunately that doesn’t work as it moves cursor one character backwards and exec "norm! a\<c-w>" doesn’t work when started in the middle of the line.
    – Hauleth
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 11:33
  • 1
    feedkeys("\<C-w>", 'n') doesn't map (similar to normal!)
    – Mass
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 13:52
  • @Mass for whatever reason feedkeys("\<C-w>", 'n') didn't work as expected as it deleted single character at the time. However it can be bug in NeoVim.
    – Hauleth
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 23:21

1 Answer 1


Ok, I have found the solution that seems to work without problems:

if col('.') == col('$') - 1
     exec "norm! a\<C-w>\<right>"
     exec "norm! i\<C-w>\<right>"

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