The ftplugin vimtex provides the file indent/tex.vim with following line

setlocal indentkeys+=[,(,{,),},],\&,=item,=else,=fi

'indentkeys' 'indk' string (default "0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e")
local to buffer
A list of keys that, when typed in Insert mode, cause reindenting of the current line. Only happens if 'indentexpr' isn't empty. The format is identical to 'cinkeys', see |indentkeys-format|.

Consider this list environment:

  \item <CURSOR> 

When you enter a newline and then a second \item, at first the cursor will be indented to the second level (sw=2)


then when you enter manually \item, the line will be reindented and you get the desired indentation

  \item <CURSOR>

However, if you do the same by using the UltiSnips snippet it (from honza/vim-snippets)

snippet it "Individual item" b
\item $0

you end up with an unintended second level indentation of the second \item:

    \item <CURSOR>

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

This has already been raised on the issue tracker of UltiSnips, but I hope to find here a wider audience for this issue. BTW https://github.com/LucHermitte/mu-template claims to support reindentation.

1 Answer 1


You can manually fix the indent by typing CTRL-F (this is documented at :help indentkeys-format). Thus, an autonomous solution would be to issue this key-press after snippet expansion.

global !p
def fix_indent(snip):

post_expand "fix_indent(snip)"
snippet it "Individual item" b
\item $0
  • Thanks for that ! Though, we need to add this post_expand "fix_indent(snip)" to every snippet we want to fix the indent. Wouldn't it be nice to fix indent for every snippet when autoindent is on ? UltiSnips doesn't seems to be able to do that.
    – perelo
    Commented Sep 14, 2020 at 16:17
  • This used to work wonderfully, but in newer versions (of UltiSnips?) it produces an error, at least for me. Commented Jun 16 at 15:17

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