and CTRL-W_F
are able to search for path under directories listed in &path
variable. Alas, I suspect that @my_path_var
is some kind of variable related to your current twig (?) project.
Vim can't understand it natively. It has no idea @my_path_var
means something, nor what it means (for what we know, it could have been %var%
, {var}
, @@var@@
So, you'll have to implement your own version of gf
parse the line under the cursor, either with expand('<cfile>)'
, or analyse the result of expand('<cWORD>')
if the first doesn't return something that can be exploited because of the @
split the path obtained to extract the @varname
part, resolve it to build the finalpathname
and eventually open if with exe 'e '.finalpathname
or anything more advanced that'll reuse windows already opened (I have such a function in lh-vim-lib)
As @Peter suggested (I did completely forget about that), we don't need to define a new mapping. We just have to set the options 'includeexpr'
-- and 'include'
which is not mandatory to answer the need you've expressed
As I'm the lazy kind of guy regarding option evaluation, I'd use a function from my toolbox library:
" To be defined in a ~/.vim/ftplugin/twig.vim file
" First we specify how include lines are recognized
setlocal inc={\%\ include
" then, we specify how variables are evaluated
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\\v\\@(\\k+)','\\=lh\#option\#get(submatch(1))','g')
Note: this version, doesn't properly notifies when a pathname isn't found: the call to lh#option#get()
should be encapsulated to throw something if lh#option#is_unset(lh#option#get(......))
evaluates to true.
A simplified version could be defined with something like:
" to be defined in ~/.vim/autoload/my/twig.vim
function my#twig#get_var(name) abort " untested!
let scopes = filter([b:, g:, t:], 'has_key(v:val, a:name)')
if empty(scopes)
throw "No variable named '".a:name. "' known in b:, g:, nor t:"
return scopes[0][a:name]
For visual modes mappings, I can't find anything with :h v_CTRL-W_f
, yet it seems to work correctly. In case this is an artefact of my configuration, visual mode mappings could be defined with:
" edit the buffer in the current window,
" or jump to the first window where the buffer is already displayed
xnoremap <silent> gf <c-\><c-n>:call lh#buffer#jump(
\ substitute(lh#visual#selection(), '\v\@(\k+)', '\=lh#option#get(submatch(1))', 'g'),
\ 'e')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> <c-w>f <c-\><c-n>:call lh#buffer#jump(
\ substitute(lh#visual#selection(), '\v\@(\k+)', '\=lh#option#get(submatch(1))', 'g'),
\ 'sp')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> <c-w>v <c-\><c-n>:call lh#buffer#jump(
\ substitute(lh#visual#selection(), '\v\@(\k+)', '\=lh#option#get(submatch(1))', 'g'),
\ 'vert sp')<cr>
Last thing, you'll then need a way to define your variables in the scope of your current project.