I code mainly in 2 languages python and HTML. I currently have the indenting configured for python in my neovim configuration file but I would to know how to make neovim auto-detect the type of file and change the indenting script for that specific type of language...in this case HTML. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Apparently I need to create a question/answer pair we can use for dupes; see this or this for starters, and understand the tab settings (theres a vimcast on it...) to set what you want.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Feb 25, 2018 at 9:39

1 Answer 1


Here is an example from the faq

You can create filetype plugins to set different options for different types of files. You should first enable filetype plugins using the command:

  :filetype plugin on

A filetype plugin is a vim script that is loaded whenever Vim opens or creates a file of that type. For example, to ensure that the 'textwidth' option is set to 80 when editing a C program (filetype 'c'), create one of the following files:

          ~/.vim/ftplugin/c.vim (Unix)
          %HOME%\vimfiles\ftplugin\c.vim (Windows)

with the following text in it:

          setlocal textwidth=80

You can also use autocommands to set specific options when editing specific type of files. For example, to set the 'textwidth' option to 75 for only *.txt files, you can use the following autocmd:

  autocmd BufRead *.txt setlocal textwidth=80

For more information, read

:help filetype-plugin

:help add-filetype-plugin

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