How do I dump an internal vim command (not shell command) into a new buffer?
For example, I want to dump a listing of all plugins into :enew
from :scriptnames
so that I can search it.
How do I dump an internal vim command (not shell command) into a new buffer?
For example, I want to dump a listing of all plugins into :enew
from :scriptnames
so that I can search it.
You can use :redir
to redirect the output to a variable, register, or file. Example of redirecting to the unnamed register:
:redir @">|silent scriptnames|redir END|enew|put
Alternatively Tim Pope's scriptease.vim provides the :Scriptnames
command which will load :scriptnames
into the quickfix list and :copen
If you find yourself redirecting many commands you may want to wrap up this up in a command:
command! -nargs=+ -complete=command Redir let s:reg = @@ | redir @"> | silent execute <q-args> | redir END | new | pu | 1,2d_ | let @@ = s:reg
Now you can use the :Redir
command to redirect the output to a new buffer. e.g. :Redir scriptnames
or :Redir ls
Vim 8 ships with the new execute()
function. You can use the execute()
function to instead of :redir
to capture ex-command output.
For more help see:
:h :redir
:h :silent
:h :scriptnames
:h :enew
:h :put
:h execute()
:redir END
tells Vim to end redirecting messages. See :h :redir
Jun 22, 2016 at 17:01
For completeness, I want to present this awesome functions that I collected (stole) from romainl
" redirect the output of a Vim or external command into a scratch buffer
function! Redir(cmd)
if a:cmd =~ '^!'
execute "let output = system('" . substitute(a:cmd, '^!', '', '') . "')"
redir => output
execute a:cmd
redir END
setlocal nobuflisted buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe noswapfile
call setline(1, split(output, "\n"))
put! = a:cmd
put = '----'
command! -nargs=1 Redir silent call Redir(<f-args>)
This will take normal or system command output and put it in a new tab. Feel free to change the line tabnew
to vnew
or new
and vnew
are alternatives to split
and vsplit
as the output would otherwise be printed in your current file)
To understand easily, I splitted full command into small sub commands:
Redirect to register "
Execute the actual command. Go till the end of output.
Stop redirect.
Open new buffer and paste from register "
:redir @"
:redir END
There's also the bufferize.vim plugin:
:Bufferize scriptnames
which is basically a packaged version of the accepted answer (using :redir
) and may be more convenient for some.
the best solution is with the asyncrun plugin (requiring vim8+):
:AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=bottom -rows=15 -cols=40 -focus=0 pwd
will open a 15 rows terminal at bottom, run the linux command pwd and display the output there.
read its wiki for more info.