Following on from Put variable to line above current line VIm

I added some logic to only run if the begin and end tags in the list are present, snippet

let findStart='<'.taglist[s1].'>'
let findEnd='<'.'\/'.ns.taglist[s1].'>'

let fs=0
let fe=0

while something
  let fs=search(expand(findStart))
  let fe=search(expand(findEnd))
  if ( &fs>0 && &fe>0 )
      call search(findStart,'b')
      "paste the beginning fold
      :-1put =foldbegin
      :let fs=0
      :let fe=0
let something=something +1

In modeline this :let fs=0|:call search('<')|echo fs returns the position of the search. In Vimscript the only way I can use the variable in an if statement is if ( &fs>0 ... ).

I can't find anything to explain why the statements work differently so I can make sense of it. Any suggestions of where to look for answers?

Also :let fs=0 within the if doesn't reset the variable. Why?

UPDATE: It's something to do with using 2 letter variables but I don't know what the issue is despite googling it.

  • 1
    You should use scoping for variables. For example let l:fs = 0 makes fs as a local variable for your function and prevent you from interact with global, options etc.
    – Alex Kroll
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 7:23
  • Variables inside a function are local by default. You have to use g: to access global variables.
    – jamessan
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 20:40

1 Answer 1


It would help, if you could include the error message in your question.

When using '&variables' you are effectively accessing option values. See the help at :h expr-option.

So in your if statement you should not use if &fs if you want to check a variable and not the option value 'fsync', but using &fe will cause an error, because there exists no option with that (short-)name.

  • No error message I could trap but that points me to the right place to look thanks. It explains why &fe was never true.
    – Steve
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 6:26

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