I am currently using NERDTree in Vim. I often have multiple tabs open and I switch between them using the gt key command.

Current view with tabs: vim tab 1 vim tab 2

I currently experience two issues with NERDTree

  1. When having multiple tabs, the NerdTree view is not 'static'. I mean, if in tab 1 the buffer of NerdTree is on the first line, on tab 2 it could be on the bottom. This makes it annoying and I have to search my file again when switching tabs.
  2. IntelliJ has a handy function to find the currently opened file in the project tree, can this be done in Vim with NerdTree too?

I would like something, that when I scroll in NerdTree in a specific tab, the scroll is applied in all the NerdTree's in the other tabs too. And I would like to implement a shortcut to find the currently opened file in NerdTree.

I found a script here, but it is not solving much:

" Check if NERDTree is open or active
function! IsNERDTreeOpen()
  return exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") && (bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1)

" Call NERDTreeFind iff NERDTree is active, current window contains a modifiable
" file, and we're not in vimdiff
function! SyncTree()
  if &modifiable && IsNERDTreeOpen() && strlen(expand('%')) > 0 && !&diff
    wincmd p

" Highlight currently open buffer in NERDTree
autocmd BufRead * call SyncTree()

This is my full .vimrc:

set nocompatible
" Initialisation de pathogen
call pathogen#infect()
call pathogen#helptags()

set number
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set smartindent
set autoindent

set backspace=indent,eol,start

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
runtime! config/**/*.vim

autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
autocmd BufWinEnter * NERDTreeMirror
"autocmd BufWinEnter * NERDTreeMinor

set guifont=Source\ Code\ Pro\ SemiBold:h16

let NERDTreeMinimalUI = 1
let NERDTreeDirArrows = 1
set laststatus=2

let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline_theme='minimalist'

colorscheme afterglow

set guioptions-=r  "remove right-hand scroll bar
set guioptions-=L

set scrolloff=5

"nnoremap <ScrollWheelUp> k
"nnoremap <ScrollWheelDown> j

autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif

"" Use the vim-plug plugin manager: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
" Remember to run :PlugInstall when loading this vimrc for the first time, so
" vim-plug downloads the plugins listed.
silent! if plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim'
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'beyondwords/vim-twig'
Plug 'iamcco/coc-tailwindcss'
Plug 'rodrigore/coc-tailwind-intellisense', {'do': 'npm install'}
call plug#end()

" Note: this is required for the plugin to work
filetype plugin indent on

" Use the stdio OmniSharp-roslyn server
let g:OmniSharp_server_stdio = 1

" Set the type lookup function to use the preview window instead of echoing it
"let g:OmniSharp_typeLookupInPreview = 1

" Timeout in seconds to wait for a response from the server
let g:OmniSharp_timeout = 5

" Don't autoselect first omnicomplete option, show options even if there is only
" one (so the preview documentation is accessible). Remove 'preview' if you
" don't want to see any documentation whatsoever.
set completeopt=longest,menuone,preview

" Fetch full documentation during omnicomplete requests.
" By default, only Type/Method signatures are fetched. Full documentation can
" still be fetched when you need it with the :OmniSharpDocumentation command.
"let g:omnicomplete_fetch_full_documentation = 1

" Set desired preview window height for viewing documentation.
" You might also want to look at the echodoc plugin.
set previewheight=5

" Tell ALE to use OmniSharp for linting C# files, and no other linters.
let g:ale_linters = { 'cs': ['OmniSharp'] }

" Update semantic highlighting after all text changes
let g:OmniSharp_highlight_types = 3
" Update semantic highlighting on BufEnter and InsertLeave
" let g:OmniSharp_highlight_types = 2

augroup omnisharp_commands

    " Show type information automatically when the cursor stops moving
    autocmd CursorHold *.cs call OmniSharp#TypeLookupWithoutDocumentation()

    " The following commands are contextual, based on the cursor position.
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> gd :OmniSharpGotoDefinition<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>fi :OmniSharpFindImplementations<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>fs :OmniSharpFindSymbol<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>fu :OmniSharpFindUsages<CR>

    " Finds members in the current buffer
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>fm :OmniSharpFindMembers<CR>

    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>fx :OmniSharpFixUsings<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>tt :OmniSharpTypeLookup<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>dc :OmniSharpDocumentation<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <C-\> :OmniSharpSignatureHelp<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs inoremap <buffer> <C-\> <C-o>:OmniSharpSignatureHelp<CR>

    " Navigate up and down by method/property/field
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <C-k> :OmniSharpNavigateUp<CR>
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <C-j> :OmniSharpNavigateDown<CR>

    " Find all code errors/warnings for the current solution and populate the quickfix window
    autocmd FileType cs nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>cc :OmniSharpGlobalCodeCheck<CR>
augroup END

" Contextual code actions (uses fzf, CtrlP or unite.vim when available)
nnoremap <Leader><Space> :OmniSharpGetCodeActions<CR>
" Run code actions with text selected in visual mode to extract method
xnoremap <Leader><Space> :call OmniSharp#GetCodeActions('visual')<CR>

" Rename with dialog
nnoremap <Leader>nm :OmniSharpRename<CR>
nnoremap <F2> :OmniSharpRename<CR>
" Rename without dialog - with cursor on the symbol to rename: `:Rename newname`
command! -nargs=1 Rename :call OmniSharp#RenameTo("<args>")

nnoremap <Leader>cf :OmniSharpCodeFormat<CR>

" Start the omnisharp server for the current solution
nnoremap <Leader>ss :OmniSharpStartServer<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>sp :OmniSharpStopServer<CR>

" Enable snippet completion
let g:OmniSharp_want_snippet=1

" Use <C-k> to trigger completion.
inoremap <silent><expr> <S-Tab> coc#refresh()
inoremap <silent><expr> <CR> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#confirm() : "\<CR>"
" For Rust
call plug#end()
Plug 'phpactor/phpactor', {'for': 'php', 'tag': '*', 'do': 'composer install --no-dev -o'}
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
call plug#end()

" Rust Pmenu color
 """ Customize colors
func! s:my_colors_setup() abort
    " this is an example
    hi Pmenu guibg=#000000 gui=NONE
    hi PmenuSel guibg=#000000 gui=NONE
    hi PmenuSbar guibg=#000000
    hi PmenuThumb guibg=#000000
    hi Pmenu ctermbg=black

augroup colorscheme_coc_setup | au!
    au ColorScheme * call s:my_colors_setup()
augroup END

call s:my_colors_setup()

nnoremap <silent> ll :call phpactor#UseAdd()<CR>

" filenames like *.xml, *.html, *.xhtml, ...
" These are the file extensions where this plugin is enabled.
let g:closetag_filenames = '*.html,*.xhtml,*.phtml,*.twig'

" filenames like *.xml, *.xhtml, ...
" This will make the list of non-closing tags self-closing in the specified files.
let g:closetag_xhtml_filenames = '*.xhtml,*.jsx'

" filetypes like xml, html, xhtml, ...
" These are the file types where this plugin is enabled.
let g:closetag_filetypes = 'html,xhtml,phtml.twig'

" filetypes like xml, xhtml, ...
" This will make the list of non-closing tags self-closing in the specified files.
let g:closetag_xhtml_filetypes = 'xhtml,jsx'

" integer value [0|1]
" This will make the list of non-closing tags case-sensitive (e.g. `<Link>` will be closed while `<link>` won't.)
let g:closetag_emptyTags_caseSensitive = 1

" dict
" Disables auto-close if not in a "valid" region (based on filetype)
let g:closetag_regions = {
    \ 'typescript.tsx': 'jsxRegion,tsxRegion',
    \ 'javascript.jsx': 'jsxRegion',
    \ }

" Shortcut for closing tags, default is '>'
let g:closetag_shortcut = '>'

" Add > at current position without closing the current tag, default is ''
let g:closetag_close_shortcut = '<leader>>'

let g:ale_linters = {
            \   'twig': ['twig'],
            \   'html': [],
            \ }

inoremap " ""<left>
inoremap ' ''<left>
inoremap ( ()<left>
inoremap [ []<left>
inoremap { {}<left>
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<ESC>O
inoremap {;<CR> {<CR>};<ESC>O

au FocusGained * redraw
set tags=tags

function! s:is_tailwind()
  return !empty(findfile('tailwind.config.js', '.;')) ||
       \ !empty(findfile('config/tailwind.config.js', '.;'))

autocmd BufEnter *.html,*.slim,*.twig if s:is_tailwind() |
      \   setlocal omnifunc=tailwind#Complete |
      \ endif

" Check if NERDTree is open or active
function! IsNERDTreeOpen()
  return exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") && (bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1)

" Call NERDTreeFind iff NERDTree is active, current window contains a modifiable
" file, and we're not in vimdiff
function! SyncTree()
  if &modifiable && IsNERDTreeOpen() && strlen(expand('%')) > 0 && !&diff
    wincmd p

" Highlight currently open buffer in NERDTree
autocmd BufRead * call SyncTree()

  • Obligatory: vimcasts.org/blog/2013/01/…
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Dec 9 at 17:48
  • 1
    I used to use NERDTree until a few months ago, and I left it for many reasons, one is the same you address. I then started to use Netrw only with vinegar. And I feel quiet happy with that. Distraction free, simple and efficient.
    – simzz
    Commented Dec 9 at 22:19
  • Do you still have something open in your question? How can we help you further? Commented Dec 11 at 15:21

1 Answer 1


For the NERDTree state across different tabs you could follow the NERDTree recipes:

Can I have the same NerdTree on every tab?

" Open the existing NERDTree on each new tab.
autocmd BufWinEnter * if &buftype != 'quickfix' && getcmdwintype() == '' | silent NERDTreeMirror | endif

But what some are doing is using a bufferline that simulate graphically the tab look & feel like:

For the synchronization between the buffer and the tree you could use the :NERDTreeFind command that highlight in the NERDTree tree the file corresponding to the buffer.

You could map it to Ctrl F width:

nnoremap <C-f> <cmd>NERDTreeFind<CR>

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