I am using Neovide and I just don't understand. Maybe I am missing something about buffers? I just want to get rid of annoying empty buffers or old buffers that I don't use anymore. Only in the current tab of course. How can I achieve that and why?

1 Answer 1


Why does :bd closes tabs instead of buffers?

If the "deleted" buffer is displayed in a window and its alternate file doesn't have unsaved changes, then the window is closed.

If that window is the only one in a tab page, then the tab page is closed too.

Maybe I am missing something about buffers?

Most likely.

I just want to get rid of annoying empty buffers or old buffers that I don't use anymore.

Vim works just as well with 300 buffers as it does with 3 and having lots of buffers doesn't impact navigation negatively at all, so you don't have to micro-manage them.

Only in the current tab of course.

Buffers are global. They can't be tied to a specific window or tab page, so you can't "delete" a buffer in the current tab page.

  • how to cleanup the :bp, :bn list then? Those get worthless then. Commented May 6 at 16:37
  • Also what's the difference between :q and :bd then Commented May 6 at 16:38
  • @samuelnihoul perhaps read stackoverflow.com/q/26708822/4400820, vimcasts.org/categories/managing-your-workspace, codeinthehole.com/tips/vim-lists, etc. The short answer, :bnext and :bprevious are probably the wrong tool for jumping where you want to be.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented May 6 at 18:04
  • @samuelnihoul "How to cleanup the :bp, :bn list?" You don't. You leave the list as-is and you use a navigation method that is more suited to your actual needs.
    – romainl
    Commented May 6 at 18:07
  • 1
    @samuelnihoul "What's the difference between :q and :bd?" The former is a window command while the later is a buffer command. They have different usages. See :help :q and :help :bd.
    – romainl
    Commented May 6 at 18:09

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