I used to use gvimfullscreen.dll to toggle a full screen window state on gvim for Windows. It made gvim full screen, not maximised, with no titlebar.

I have not used gvim on Windows for some time until recently and it's no longer working for me. The many mentions of this file I have found on the internet are old and there are no discussions about it no longer working. I am using gvim for Windows 9.0 and I probably last used it successfully with v8.0.

I get this error:

Error detected while processing function ToggleFullScreen:

line 4:

E364: Library call failed for "ToggleFullScreen()"


" Fullscreen with Alt-Enter
function! ToggleFullScreen()
  if has('gui_gtk2')
    :call system("wmctrl -ir " . v:windowid . " -b toggle,fullscreen")
  elseif has('gui_win32')
    :call libcallnr(expand("$VIM") . "/win/gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
set <M-CR>=\<ESC>\<CR>
map <silent> <M-CR> :call ToggleFullScreen()<CR>
  • Are you using a Win32 or an amd64 version of gVim? I suspect that the binary distribution is compiled for Win32. You can figure out using the :version command Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 3:32
  • @VivianDeSmedt I am using the 64-bit version of gvim and I actually was using the 64-bit dll as well, but I renamed as I thought it would be less hassle than editing my config.
    – paradroid
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:00
  • Good :-) Maybe the problem is that the $VIM variable is not pointing to the correct folder or that the DLL is not placed correctly. Did my answer solved your problem? Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:06
  • There is also a similar plugin: github.com/imranZERO/wintweak.gvim Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:17
  • @ChristianBrabandt Thanks. I'll check that out if I can't get this working. I have already tried another one that works, but it's a bit too aggressive as you cannot alt-tab any other windows over it when it full screen. github.com/xolox/vim-shell
    – paradroid
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:43

2 Answers 2


If you are using a 64-bit version of Vim you have to adapt the call to use the 64 bit version of the dll:

" Fullscreen with Alt-Enter
function! ToggleFullScreen()
  if has('gui_gtk2')
    :call system("wmctrl -ir " . v:windowid . " -b toggle,fullscreen")
  elseif has('gui_win32')
    :call libcallnr(expand("$VIM") . "/win/gvimfullscreen_64.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
set <M-CR>=\<ESC>\<CR>
map <silent> <M-CR> :call ToggleFullScreen()<CR>

The gvimfullscreen_64.dll is available at: gvimfullscreen_64.dll

The code suppose the dll is placed in a win folder next to the vim90 folder.

" Fullscreen with Alt-Enter
function! ToggleFullScreen()
  if has('gui_gtk2')
    :call system("wmctrl -ir " . v:windowid . " -b toggle,fullscreen")
  elseif has('gui_win32')
    :call libcallnr(expand("$VIM") . "/vim90/win/gvimfullscreen_64.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
set <M-CR>=\<ESC>\<CR>
map <silent> <M-CR> :call ToggleFullScreen()<CR>

If the win folder is a subfolder of the vim90 folder the code must be adapted as follow:

You can determine if you are using a 32 bit or a 64 bit version of Vim by looking at the second line of the result of the :version Vim command

VIM - vi Improved 9.0 ...
MS-Windows 64-bit GUI/Console version ...


VIM - vi Improved 9.0 ...
MS-Windows 32-bit GUI/Console version ...
  • Thanks, but I edited the config twice, using both versions of your changes and I used the .dll file from your link and I still get the same error. I used the line :call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0) as my $VIM is set to $HOME\vimfiles on Windows. The file in the same directory as gvim.exe.
    – paradroid
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:07
  • Have you tested it yourself? Does it work with gvim 9.0?
    – paradroid
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:08
  • It works for me, I have tested it. If your $VIM points to $HOME\vimfiles the gvimfullscreen.dll should be in $HOME\vimfiles\win (if you are using the first version of the code). Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 6:10
  • 1
    I added my solution. Cheers.
    – paradroid
    Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 7:16
  • 1
    @paradroid Not sure if I'm reading the above right, but in this message you said that you used the command libcallnr(expand("$VIM") . "/vim90/gvimfullscreen_64.dll" (without /win/) but as far as I can tell from your other comments the file is actually in the win subfolder. Could you confirm if you've tried the command without editing the paths?
    – Rich
    Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 9:14

I could not get gvimfullscreen.dll working and searching the web showed that quite a few people have had this problem but there was no solution.

EDIT: This comment solves the problem, as I had forgotten that I had defined $VIM to another location.

I ended up using this plugin: https://github.com/kkoenig/wimproved.vim, but I found it had the same problem as gvimfullscreen.dll in that it did not return to the previous screen size when the window is restored. I then found this vimscript which saves and restores the screen size:


So in my gvimrc I source that script and use some logic to use the plugin and restore the screen size using the functions from the script.

" Restore window positions
source $VIM/vimrc.d/restore_position.vim

" Fullscreen toggle with F11
function! ToggleFullScreen()
  if has('gui_gtk2')
    call system("wmctrl -ir " . v:windowid . " -b toggle,fullscreen")
  elseif has('gui_win32')
    if !exists("s:fullscr")
      let s:fullscr = 0
    if (s:fullscr == 0)
      call ScreenSave()
      let s:fullscr = 1
    elseif (s:fullscr == 1)
      call ScreenRestore()
      let s:fullscr = 0
map <silent> <F11> :call ToggleFullScreen()<CR>

Everything works great now.

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