So I use the Pass program to store passphrases with gpg. To edit these entries you can use the $EDITOR environment variable. Now, I had set vim to store swap files and backup files with the following commands in my .vimrc
set backupdir=~/.vimtmp//
set directory=~/.vimtmp//
set undodir=~/.vimtmp//
Of course this stores my pass
entries in cleartext, which is bad. i have tinkered with the ideas of setting my $EDITOR
variable to vim -u NONE -i NONE
or just busybox vi
, but I don't know what the safest alternative is, or if there's even a different vi clone meant for this kind of stuff. there's also a vim-redact-pass
plugin but I'd rather not use any plugins at all to minimize risks.
What's a reasonably safe way to use vi{m,} to handle pass
now that we have packages to avoid loading any plugins.writebackup
value is actually a problem.