I find that the default indentation support for pasting is lacking. For example , If I use ]p for the following(copied using V) :

            if 1:
                df = vcbcvbcvb

            return l, df

When I am over this line:

def save(fn):

I get the same thing but when the try at all not indented .

def save(fn):
    if 1:
        df = vcbcvbcvb

    return l, df

Now , I tried to fix it by:

nnoremap <expr> ]p @+ =~ ".*\n$" ?  "]p==" : "o<C-R>+<ESC>"

which is not enough because the == should be on all the pasted text.

Is there a plugin that does complete support or could you suggest just a concrete solution.

1 Answer 1


Found myself implementing the code.

It first pastes then fixes the indentation correctly as far as I could see.

function! PasteFormat(x)
    let l=@+
    let l=len(split(l,"\n"))-1
    return a:x."V".string(l).'j='

nnoremap <expr> ]p @+ =~ ".*\n$" ?  PasteFormat("p") : "o<C-R>+<ESC>"
nnoremap <expr> ]P @+ =~ ".*\n$" ?  PasteFormat("P") : "O<C-R>+<ESC>"

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