I've read the help section for term, terminal, termopen, buftype, and I've read several stack questions, but I haven't been able to find a solution for settings options in terminal mode. I know about tnoremap, what I want to do is set options, not remap keys.

I tried:

" Terminal Buffer
function! TerminalSettings()
    set nonumber
    set mouse=
    set list
augroup terminal
    autocmd TermOpen call TerminalSettings()
augroup END

But this had no effect (as far as I could tell). Is this the correct approach incorrectly implemented, or do I need to do something else?


I tried opening Vim with the config, and it gave me an error:

E216: No such group or event: TermOpen call TerminalSettings()

Which leads me to believe that NeoVim at least has this event, since it opens without any errors.

I also tried using setlocal instead of set, but no change.

Setting the option manually works :setlocal nonumber.

  • 1
    You may need setlocal. FWIW in regular vim even with set number, when I run :terminal there are never line numbers.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 14:52

1 Answer 1


Found the problem. The approach was correct, it was just a syntax issue: autocmd TermOpen * call TerminalSettings(). I was missing the asterisk.

My current config is now:

" Terminal Buffer
function! TerminalSettings()
    setlocal nonumber
    normal a
augroup terminal
    autocmd TermOpen * call TerminalSettings()
augroup END

FYI what helped me find it was the Vim documentation 40.3 example :autocmd FileWritePre * call DateInsert() and explanation :autocmd [group] {events} {file_pattern} [nested] {command}. I was confused by the :help autocmd section which said {pat} instead of {file_pattern}.

  • 1
    {pat} instead of {file_pattern} All events are different. Most of them pass {file_pattern} (actually, a buffer name), but there are several exceptions.
    – Matt
    Commented Jan 21, 2022 at 11:15

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