Is there a way to define a sorting precedence regarding the line's pattern and then use it with :sort?

For example, if I have these lines:

1 some text (foo) some other text
2 some text (bar) some other text

I'd like to define a sorting precedence which says that a line containing foo is greater than a line containing bar, so when I execute :sort, it will sort the lines like:

1 some text (bar) some other text
2 some text (foo) some other text

I know adding a pattern after the command and the option r will sort the line using the matched string on the lines, but still these strings are sorted by their lexicographical order and that doesn't work for me.

1 Answer 1


I read a little bit more, and there's a function in vimscript called sort() which can receive a function to compare both items. Here's the help page:

sort({list} [, {func} [, {dict}]]) sort() E702

            Sort the items in {list} in-place.  Returns {list}.  If you
            want a list to remain unmodified make a copy first:
                    :let sortedlist = sort(copy(mylist))
            Uses the string representation of each item to sort on.
            Numbers sort after Strings, Lists after Numbers.
            For sorting text in the current buffer use :sort.
            When {func} is given and it is one then case is ignored.
            {dict} is for functions with the "dict" attribute.  It will be
            used to set the local variable "self". Dictionary-function
            When {func} is a Funcref or a function name, this function
            is called to compare items.  The function is invoked with two
            items as argument and must return zero if they are equal, 1 or
            bigger if the first one sorts after the second one, -1 or
            smaller if the first one sorts before the second one.
                    func MyCompare(i1, i2)
                       return a:i1 == a:i2 ? 0 : a:i1 > a:i2 ? 1 : -1           
                    let sortedlist = sort(mylist, "MyCompare")
            A shorter compare version for this specific simple case, which
            ignores overflow:
                    func MyCompare(i1, i2)
                       return a:i1 - a:i2

So, something like

" Compare function
fu! MyCompare(i1, i2)
    let l:score1 = i1 =~ '.\{-}(foo)' ? 2 : i1 =~ '.\{-}(bar)' ? 1 : 0
    let l:score2 = i2 =~ '.\{-}(foo)' ? 2 : i2 =~ '.\{-}(bar)' ? 1 : 0

    return l:score1 == l:score2 ? 0 : l:score1 > l:score2 ? 1 : -1    

"Function to sort the lines
fu! SortLines(linestart, lineend)
    let l:lines = getline(a:linestart, a:lineend)

    " Put the sorted lines in the file
    let l:nlines = a:lineend - a:linestart
    exe 'normal! '.a:linestart.'G'.l:nlines.'dd'
    let @l = join(l:lines, "\n")
    exe 'normal! '.a:linestart.'G"lP'

" Calling the function
:call SortLines(1,2)
  • 1
    Yep, that's how it's done. You could pass the range without explicit arguments, see :h function-range-example, and use setline() instead of deleting and using registers. Commented Apr 11, 2015 at 18:31
  • Thank you @IngoKarkat. Vim has a lot of functions that save you from doing a lot of work and it's quite difficult to find them if you didn't use them before.
    – Jcao02
    Commented Apr 11, 2015 at 19:36

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