I have this text:

x = 1

Basically markdown python cells. I would like to extract the content of the cell surrounding the cursor, if any.

As you may have guessed already, I am trying to build a jupyter workflow, I use jupytex and vim-slime for the console, and I would like to send cells to the console.

Currently I am struggling just matching a cell with regex:


This should match a string starting with ```python, then everything except triple quotes, then triple quotes, but it doesn't.

Strangely, this one(without the ending triple quotes:


highlights ```python, but nothing more.

So what would be a regex to match a python cell? Bonus for a regex that matches the content of the cell under cursor!


2 Answers 2


This should match a string starting with ```python, then everything except triple quotes, then triple quotes, but it doesn't.

That's because the * multi does not repeat any character; it just repeats a negative lookahead, which doesn't add anything to the overall match. The regex engine can't reach the closing triple backticks.


Add a character inside:


Note that \_. can match any character, including a newline; contrary to . which can't match a newline. See :h /\_.

So what would be a regex to match a python cell? Bonus for a regex that matches the content of the cell under cursor!

Try this:

                               ├─┘   ├──┘
                               │     └ as few as possible
                               └ the cursor position must match here

See :h /\%#, and :h /\{-.

  • 1
    I've checked against your sample file, and it works. Note that your cursor needs to be inside a python cell for a match to be found.
    – user938271
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 20:31
  • That's perfect! Thank you. Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 20:59
  • And for only selecting the content of the cell: /\(```python\n\)\@<=\%(\%(```\)\@!\_.\)*\%#\_.\{-}\(```\)\@= Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 21:06
  • @NickSkywalker The vim help recommends using \zs and \ze instead of lookarounds when possible, for performance reasons. In this instance, they result in a slightly simpler regular expression, too, as you can dispense with some of the capture groups: /```python\n\zs\%(\%(```\)\@!\_.\)*\%#\_.\{-}\ze```
    – Rich
    Commented Aug 21, 2020 at 10:37
  • Thank you, I was sure there was something like this, that's a lot better :) Commented Aug 21, 2020 at 12:15

I don't understand those advanced regexes, but this one should do:


To understand it, let :help ordinary_atom guide us:

  • \_$ matches end-of-line.
  • \_. matches any character, including end-of-lines.
  • \_^ matches start-of-line.

And with :help non-greedy,

  • \{-} is the same as * but uses the shortest match first algorithm. Remember that it applies only to the previous element, \_. in our case.

You may want to relax the regex a bit, maybe removing the ^ and $ anchoring.

Tested in this sample, the regex matches only the python cells.

This is Python:
for i in range(10):
This is FORTRAN:
DO I=1,10
This is Python again
for i in range(10):
  • 1
    Thanks for the answer! :) While this work the second answer matches better the question. Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 20:58

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