You can do this by running
:behave mswin
This command will simultaneously change several commands, namely "selectmode", "mousemodel", "keymodel", and "selection". I would recommend reading the help page on each of these, since they're all related to what you want to do but affect it in slightly different ways.
From :h behave
3. Mouse Control gui-mouse
The mouse only works if the appropriate flag in the 'mouse' option is set.
When the GUI is switched on, and 'mouse' wasn't set yet, the 'mouse' option is
automatically set to "a", enabling it for all modes except for the
hit-enter prompt. If you don't want this, a good place to change the
'mouse' option is the "gvimrc" file.
Other options that are relevant:
'mousefocus' window focus follows mouse pointer gui-mouse-focus
'mousemodel' what mouse button does which action
'mousehide' hide mouse pointer while typing text
'selectmode' whether to start Select mode or Visual mode
A quick way to set these is with the ":behave" command.
:behave :be
:be[have] {model} Set behavior for mouse and selection. Valid
arguments are:
mswin MS-Windows behavior
xterm Xterm behavior
Using ":behave" changes these options:
option mswin xterm
'selectmode' "mouse,key" ""
'mousemodel' "popup" "extend"
'keymodel' "startsel,stopsel" ""
'selection' "exclusive" "inclusive"
So after running :behave mswin
, you can select individual characters in insert mode with <shift-cursor_keys>
, and entire words with <ctrl-shift-cursor_keys>
Note that even though what you want is definitely possible, I would recommend learning to use visual mode instead. Since it is more "vim-like", it will be more compatible with other vim-idioms and make you much faster.
Of course, it's your workflow, so in the end it's all up to you. :)