When I type 1. blah blah blah
VIMVim recognizes the 1.
prefix and it indents the rest of the paragraph tidy.
I would like to configure Vim to do the same thing with #.
literal prefix, since ReST files autonumbers the paragraphs when started with #.
In this SO answer I got suggested this:
let &formatlistpat = '^\s*\%(\d\+\|#\)[\]:.)}\t ]\s*'
I added this to my .vimrc:
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.rst let &formatlistpat = '^\s*\%(\d\+\|#\)[\]:.)}\t ]\s*'
It doesn't work. In fact, I modified the regexp and VIMVim seems to ignore anything I put there.