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How to make vim open new file on vertical split without creating Close another buffer that had same name on previouswindow split

enter image description here

In above image you see Here some asciinema videos, notice that wheneverin the videos, when I open up newanother file (plugins.vim) in split using nvimCtrl+v it will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window splittab named (the right one). When you closeplugins.vim in the right splitleft, it doesn'tbut when I close the respecting buffer I open on another split (phpunitplugins.xmlvim on left(on the right). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having it will not close the otherplugins.vim buffer danglingtab on my other split windowthe left.

How do I open it?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

Is vim work like these? If yes how do I automatically close right split usingwindow with :q and not closingbut also close the phpunit.xmltab buffer on the left, :bd does the same.?

What do I want?

Some plugin setup :

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split

    FZF Config

  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.

    Airline Config

Update :

Airline config

How to make vim open new file on vertical split without creating buffer on previous

enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split (phpunit.xml on left). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

I close right split using :q and not closing the phpunit.xml on the left, :bd does the same.

What do I want?

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split
  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.

Update :

Airline config

Close another buffer that had same name on window split

Here some asciinema videos, notice that in the videos, when I open another file (plugins.vim) in split using Ctrl+v it will create buffer tab named plugins.vim in the left, but when I close the plugins.vim (on the right) it will not close the plugins.vim buffer tab on the left.

Is vim work like these? If yes how do I automatically close split window with :q but also close the tab buffer on the left?

Some plugin setup :

Seems like airline issue
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enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split (phpunit.xml on left). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

I close right split using :q and not closing the phpunit.xml on the left, :bd does the same.

What do I want?

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split
  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.

Update :

Airline config

enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split (phpunit.xml on left). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

I close right split using :q and not closing the phpunit.xml on the left, :bd does the same.

What do I want?

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split
  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.

enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split (phpunit.xml on left). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

I close right split using :q and not closing the phpunit.xml on the left, :bd does the same.

What do I want?

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split
  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.

Update :

Airline config

To make more clear
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enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split option nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split window, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split window(phpunit.xml on left). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it on split ?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

I useclose right split using fzf:q plugin and pressnot closing the Ctrl + vphpunit.xml to open iton the left, :bd does the same.

What do I want?

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split
  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.

enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split option nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split. When you close the split window, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split window. Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it on split ?

I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it

enter image description here

In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split nvim will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split (phpunit.xml on left). Is these common?

Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window.

How do I open it?

  • I use fzf plugin and press Ctrl + v to open it
  • Using :vsplit and ':split'

How do I close it?

I close right split using :q and not closing the phpunit.xml on the left, :bd does the same.

What do I want?

  • close buffer the right split, also close the respecting phpunit.xml on the left split
  • or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split.
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