[![enter image description here][1]][1] In above image you see that whenever I open up new file in split `nvim` will first create new buffer and then opening up my file on other window split (the right one). When you close the right split, it doesn't close the respecting buffer I open on another split (`phpunit.xml` on left). Is these common? Is there a way to make split window without having the other buffer dangling on my other split window. # How do I open it? - I use `fzf` plugin and press `Ctrl + v` to open it - Using `:vsplit` and ':split' # How do I close it? I close right split using `:q` and not closing the `phpunit.xml` on the left, `:bd` does the same. # What do I want? - close buffer the right split, also close the respecting `phpunit.xml` on the left split - or opening new file on right split won't open buffer on left split. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/yhrpU.png