Let's start at the bottom.
Yes, you should write your own vimrc. Vim users love doing so. Regular people wash their cars on a Sunday afternoon, vim users fine-tune their vimrcs instead.
Your vimrc should positively be in your home directory, either as ~/.vimrc
or ~/.vim/vimrc
. The latter has the advantage that all files related to vim can go in ~/.vim
. Read :h vimrc
or this nice write up.
The installation instructions of neodark (you did read those, didn't you?) assume you use vim-plug, a plugin manager.
You can use vim with or without a plugin manager. At the time of this writing, vim has decent built in support for plugins. If you want to install a lot of random stuff from github, a plugin manager is the easiest way to do so.
As neodark suggests vim-plug, I'll continue with it.
Go to vim-plug and follow the download instructions for your system. Vim-plug will take care of downloading the needed files from github and putting them where vim will find them. So no need for typing in git clone whatever
Afterwards, you'll have to add the following lines (taken from neodark's installation instructions) to your vimrc
Plug 'KeitaNakamura/neodark.vim' " vim-plug
set termguicolors " recommended
colorscheme neodark
Finally source (re-load) vimrc and install the plugin:
:so %
One last word of advice: I would encourage anyone new to vim to first learn the basics and not install any plugins. Vim is incredibly powerful on its own. Once you feel comfortable with vim, you may proceed to explore plugins. However, this is just my personal opinion and you specifically asked about neodark. Going with its recommended installation is easiest.