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Andrew Ho-Lee's user avatar
Andrew Ho-Lee's user avatar
Andrew Ho-Lee
  • Member for 4 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
8 votes

How to inverse boolean in Vimscript?

5 votes

How does the underscore forward movement work? _f

4 votes

Use vi to replace everything between two known strings on multiple lines

4 votes

Why isn't netrw (:Explore) loaded, when starting vim using `vim -u NONE`?

4 votes

How can I compile all spell .add files?

4 votes

How to copy text to clipboard in visual mode?

4 votes

How to prevent whitespace associated with items in the statusline from taking up space, when the item is not shown?

4 votes

Open two terminal windows side by side

3 votes

Send command to :terminal buffer in Vim?

3 votes

How to show a terminal under all tabs?

3 votes

How to multi select for the purpose of copy operation?

2 votes

I need two windows on the same file but screen too small for split

2 votes

Can I make a bufwrite bound command save the buffer without triggering infinite filewrite operations?

2 votes

What's the name of the highlight group for the number column?

2 votes

How to run internal (Neo)Vim ":Command" from external Terminal?

2 votes

Prevent cycling / wrapping to first buffer after last

2 votes

Pipe file list to vim and browser them like a folder

2 votes

How to hide terminal when not needed?

2 votes

How do you prevent a new window from opening when running :make

2 votes

How to stop Vim hanging until keypress?

2 votes

Enter insert mode automatically after moving (e.g. with e, w)

1 vote

vim get error properly formatted in quickfix

1 vote

cannot save raw plug.vim file

1 vote

Automatic completion in Latex environments

1 vote

How do I manage the activation of vim abbreviation?

1 vote

Is there a reason why the short for `'modifiable'` is `'ma'` and not `'mo'`?

1 vote

Vim's spell check: Ignore abbreviations in acro package commands?

1 vote

How to make neovim cmdline-completion suggests common matched substring?

1 vote

How to change cursor position when using iabbrev

1 vote

Automatically resize window based on filetype