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Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
Karl Yngve Lervåg
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

Smart way to type latex `\SI{..}{..}` macro in vim (snipped/autocompletion)

3 votes

Match any number of digits NOT followed by

3 votes

Vimtex commands only working on main file

3 votes

spacevim remapping of plugin keybindings

3 votes

autoindent different from manuall indenting

3 votes

How ^y is represented in vim editor?

3 votes

Execute() is not returning a value

3 votes

What does execute() return?

3 votes

Migrating from Latex-Suite to vimtex

2 votes

How can I jump outside the scope of LaTeX delimiters?

2 votes

Move to the first/last non-whitespace character of the column ("vertical W/B/E")

2 votes

E488: Trailing characters error in VI with find and replace command

2 votes

Find and replace string with slash in it and retain the slash in the new string

2 votes

What can Neovim/Vim's :terminal do that tmux can't?

2 votes

Replace all occurrences in visual block selection but NOT all occurrences on line

2 votes

Finding Numbers in Brackets Followed by a Letter and Summing Them

2 votes

vimtex: configure to indent '[ ... ]' and '\[ ... \]' blocks

2 votes

Disabling automatic imap of "< |" to "\bra{" (using neovim + vimtex)

2 votes

Why does in a regular expression \zs \ze cause "E486: Pattern not found"?

2 votes

Autocomplete LateX citations in chapters directory

2 votes

Determine if the cursor is on the first/last character of word

2 votes

Replace all integers until a certain character

2 votes

vimtex conceal options and character substitution not working on Windows

2 votes

Tracking Key Combinations

2 votes

How to replace a list of numbers (or times/timestamps) with their sum?

2 votes

How can I run a function once after the buffer has been completely loaded?

2 votes

One-liner? Move lines after 1st line not matching pattern after one that does

2 votes

How to use 'filetype indent on', without it indenting while entering text in insert mode

2 votes

PDF viewer syncing

2 votes

Call PDF viewer on the compiled tex file