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Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
Karl Yngve Lervåg's user avatar
Karl Yngve Lervåg
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
74 votes

Why should I use augroup?

61 votes

Call a Vim function silently

41 votes

What are the differences between LaTeX plugins?

24 votes

How do I delete a large block of text without counting the lines?

14 votes

What is the use case for gs?

12 votes

Regex to match spaces that are NOT at the beginning of a line?

12 votes

How to replace inner text with yanked text

11 votes

Add a "Press any key to continue" in VimL?

11 votes

How to keep in the undo history just one change for this command?

11 votes

Echo highlighted warning in one line

10 votes

Open a file at the given line using the colon notation

9 votes

Include symbols in <cword>

9 votes

Folding slow with vimtex

9 votes

How to find multiple instances of same character on single line?

9 votes

Get rid of extra fold dashes when using Vim folding

9 votes

Paste link to image in clipboard when editing Markdown

9 votes

what are the usage of equalprg and formatprg

8 votes

How to force vimtex to display \textbf and \textit in insert/normal mode?

8 votes

set completeopt=noinsert fails

8 votes

Why are new lines under commented lines automatically commented too?

7 votes

How can I start vim and then execute a particular command that includes a \, from the command line?

7 votes

Can I open other files without closing the file I'm editing?

7 votes

Calling function to insert text with inoremap

7 votes

Entering italic text in vim

7 votes

call function in context of buffer

7 votes

vim command/comment in the end of config files

7 votes

What options make Vim aware that the file editing is for vim settings?

6 votes

repeat last command but not write

6 votes

Is it possible to tell if a window is at bottom or top, left or right?

6 votes

Visual block insert into multiple areas with no text with virtualedit=all

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