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Heptite's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

How do you manually trigger an event?

6 votes

set -o vi in zsh: backspace doesn't delete non-inserted characters

4 votes

Is there a simple equivalent of :g/PATTERN/m0 that doesn't reverse the matched lines?

4 votes

Quit Vim when Buffer has no name (not :wq or :q!)

3 votes

How to load a function from a Vim9 script and call it?

3 votes

Help in defining a simple custom fold expr

3 votes

Delete non-consecutive lines in command mode

3 votes

Is it possible to use || operator for autocommand events? Any workaround?

3 votes

What is the `:'<,'>` in the command line?

3 votes

imap <expr> call multiple functions

3 votes

Cause vi's visual mode to go in opposite directions?

3 votes

Mapping <Shift>-Insert to paste in gVim search field

2 votes

How do I make my own function to insert text in vim?

2 votes

In command-line mode, how to avoid delete key erasing last character?

2 votes

Can't find spaces in text with \s

2 votes

Shortcut to erase the last character of the line in normal mode

2 votes

How do I convert a file mark to a string?

2 votes

How to get Vim spell checker to ignore the first word capitalization?

2 votes

Prevent vim from being launched in vim

2 votes

How do I yank the next 4000 chars, ignoring linebreaks?

2 votes

Replace only after specific pattern

2 votes

How to add a third argument to a popup_menu() callback function?

2 votes

Disabling a plugin loading when launching Vim from `git commit`

2 votes

Programatically enter Command line window

2 votes

Using vim // gvim with unix file format under Windows 10 + Cygwin gets errors from both

1 vote

How to use function argument in a mapping?

1 vote

Press CTRL+W in a vimterminal programatically from vimscript?

1 vote

Buffer not reloaded after external command?

1 vote

Reduce lag in mappings that frequently switch between normal and insert mode

1 vote

Custom syntax highlighting: highlight match following keyword